How much does private therapy cost?

Private therapy is not covered by OHIP. As a result, private therapy is covered by private insurance plans or paid out of pocket. If you cannot afford private therapy, please click here for access to resources that are lower cost or, in some cases, free. There are many factors to consider when it comes to the cost of therapy, for example, the type of provider, experience, and location.

Type of provider

The cost of private therapy will depend based on the provider you are matched with. This is because different providers follow different recommendations and guidelines as to how to set their fees based on their education and skill set. You can learn more about the differences between each provider by clicking here.

  • Psychologist: The average cost for a psychologist is $200-$250 per session. This does not include separate costs associated with testing or assessments.
  • Registered Psychotherapist: The average cost for a psychotherapist is $100-$200 per session.
  • Social Worker: The average cost for a social worker is $100-$200 per session.


The cost of private therapy may also vary based on how many years of experience each therapist has. You may find that some therapists may charge more if they have been in practice longer, but this is not always the case.


Another thing to consider is location, some therapist may charge more based on their location. For example, if a therapist's office is located in a dense, highly populated area where demand is high, office space may be more expensive and harder to secure, which may factor into the therapist's overall fee.

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